How to make money online


How to make money online

It is becoming increasingly difficult to find a way to make money online, to get extra or, who knows, not to get up early in the morning to go to work but to jump out of bed and go to the computer. But, How to Make Money Online?

If you are wondering and want to know what options you have to get a reward that can even be compared to eight days (with a few more trips back home), here are some ideas. .

Sell your little things online

One way to make money online is to sell a handicraft or craft that you love. For example, homemade soap, key chains, thread boxes, dolls, etc.

All of these are successful options if you have an audience (at first you can only reach people you know, but gradually you will be able to gain new customers) .

You can sell through Facebook, Etsy, design your website ... Even opening a YouTube channel that shows the process can be a way to bring your business closer to potential buyers.

Create a Youtube channel


Speaking of YouTube, the most common way to earn money is to create their own YouTube channel. Yes, of course, if you really want to make money, you must be on video, have an interesting topic to talk about, and most importantly something completely new.

Considering that there are billions of channels and only a few have managed to come out right now, you would think that there are more interesting ones than the successful ones (or at least hold on) ).


Another option to make money online might be this. If you have the skills for words and a lot of ideas that become newspaper headlines, why not write them down during your free time? Once you have saved the book, edit it and edit it, instead of sending it to the publishers, upload it immediately to Amazon. it will be sold as a Kindle. It is futile and even if the first one you lose because you do not know how it goes, it can be a success in the market.

Also, if you do not know, now the publishers are very good at publishing free platforms (Amazon, Lulu, etc.) because if they see a rebound book, they are try to contact the author as soon as possible. publish their literature. Of course, be careful, because perhaps what they offer you is not the same as what you can win for free.

Sell your photo

If you really like photography and you always have a camera in your hand, did you know that you can make money from it? No, it's easy. You just have to take some beautiful photos and upload them on a video platform (paid or even free). Of course, they will all pay you back if people use this photo, so you can get a good monthly salary.

Be a community manager

Almost all businesses, eCommerce, etc. they have a social network. But most of them cannot take care of themselves and often assign this task to other people or companies.

So, one way to make money online might be this. If you are good at connecting social media users to a “selling” business, it can be a valuable service for you.


The virtual assistant may be similar to the secretary. But the accountant, or the lawyer. The goal is to be able to offer your customers the service and then pay for it.

Sometimes, if it is a one-time job, it will only be charged for the advice, and it is, but many others are encouraged to hire you for several months, especially if they see that you are trained, organized and you can. help them organist their day to day.

Create a niche website

While for this you can invest a little more in training ahead of time, the fact is that it is a remarkable idea that you may be interested in. It consists of buying a domain and hosting and earning money on the page in a way that you will get a great return.

For example, suppose you see a product or article in progress, because you are looking for the right domain, hosting and website upgrade. You give it a little content and then use it to make money.

It's easy, but no, although there are some who say that in just 3 months you can earn money (if you continue to work on it you can earn up to a monthly salary).

Translate text language

Online translators are also a service you see online. There are many platforms to offer your services, but many companies are looking for them. Of course, we recommend that, if you want to dedicate yourself to this, not only in the country where the company is located, look for the international community because many companies may be interested in your language.

Create your own podcast

No, like your YouTube channel, but in this case it looks like a "radio". It is about creating an audio program that is so exciting that everyone will want to hear it.

Even though there are already many, there is still room for improvement. Of course, you have to work on it, both the script, the music, the guests you have, etc. All of this will increase your chances of success and earning money.

And how do you make money if it is a radio show? Well, like these: advertising companies. To do this, first of all, you have to have a good number of audience.

Create an online study

If you are familiar with the topic, and find that it is what people are looking for, why not go for it? If you have the knowledge it takes people to understand that, you can get money to create a study. But no, you do not need to have a website because there are platforms where they let you upload your study sellers. Of course, you have to record videos, because they are on sale now.

Sometimes you set a price, but you can use it to "mark", that way, over time, people will look for you for your knowledge.

As you can see, perhaps the question is not how to make money online but how to get the power and ability to create an online business that affects your bank account " well ”every month. Do you recommend it or have you tried something already?
